Hey, the name's Kuba, and...

I Business Coaches Scale Beyond 6-Figures with Suspiciously
Sales Pages and Emails

... and if the results don't hit the target, you don't pay anything + I'll give you a $50 gift card of your choice :D

That's me in my natural habitat. Laptop, coffee, work 🤌

Still not convinced, huh?Just don't tell me you're scrolling here expecting... copy?Alright... let me ask you a couple of questions to figure out if setting a da-... I mean a call (duh) even makes sense for you.Question 1:If I put a big pile of green, cold cash in front of you, (can you smell it yet?) would you turn it down?No?Awesome! You passed the test!Scroll a bit further and smash that call button as hard as your screen/mouse/touchpad can bear 👆👆👆Question 2:Are you against infesting your copy with a bit of humor?Wait, maybe I can put some copy here after all?ekhmI'm asking because we've reached a tipping point in the marketing landscape, where the hardcore pushy marketing people used to buy is wearing off. They see through it nowadays.I mean, you've seen Kanye's Super Bowl ad, right?The reason why it's worked weirdly well is because he and his ad were honest and likeable.I'm not saying you can upload a crappy vid to social media and sip oddly expensive mineral water for the rest of your life...But you can use humor in your copy, and branding to make people smile into handing over their credit card.And it doesn't matter how "professional" your prospects are.Just because they're some executive doesn't mean they'll dislike humor.In fact, since they're swarmed with boring personality-less people daily, they'll appreciate your humor even more.PHEWQuite a rant, wasn't it?(it's literally 2am as I'm writing this)Anyway, you answered YES, right?DAMN! You're on fire today! You passed again! Look at you go!Again, scroll a bit further and make some metaphorical love to that button, and redeem your reward 👆👆👆LAST QUESTION:Do you commit to having and holding, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part?I'm kiddingWhat I actually mean is:Do you consider yourself at least somewhat, responsive, timely, and pleasant to work with? (optional)Because I as a freelancer, will pour my sleep-deprived heart and soul into providing your funnels with the most seductive copy.But occasionally, I'll need a little something from you, mainly: feedback, testimonials, some info... a payment maybe?I'm kidding (sorta) with the last part, (sorta) but I do appreciate–and bring a lot better results–with responsive, quick clients.IS THAT A YES?YOU MAY NOW-Wait... did you say no?You don't consider yourself at least somewhat, responsive, timely, and pleasant to work with?....Well... we're not gonna let that rapport go to waste, are we?Let's have a chat anyway and see if we're a good fit to conquer the industry anyway.And here's the button. You don't have to scroll all the way back above my odd rants.Can't wait to talk to you, mysterious stranger :)